The first thing I will have to do is the Progress Report for ELEC4718. It must contain:
- An introduction
- A literature survey, of 5-10 pages, in a form similar to that which will appear in the final treatise
- A report of not more than 1000 words on the work carried out thus far
- A revised proposal/plan for the following semester's work.
Javid has mentioned that for the literature survey, I should have to read 20-30 relevant research papers on the subject. 3-4 pages should be related to modelling and benchmarking, whilst 6-7 pages should be related to virtual machines + migration.
Each article should be reviewed in about 2-3 lines.
The 2nd thing I will have to which is related to this thesis work is to do more research on modelling. So far I've found 8 papers, but only 2-3 of them seem related. The papers are on linear and non-linear models.
The 3rd thing I have to do is fix up any more problems in my script, and to rethink some of the experiments I will have to perform. I forgot to account for the migrating virtual machine performing some load whilst migration occurs. (I had only considered the source and target host performing some load).
The last thing I will have to do is to prepare a 10-minute presentation for Javid and another student on how I implemented my script. I will have to talk about how I implemented, what I used, things I achieved and any problems I had.
This presentation will be in 2 weeks time, and should be approximately 10 slides long. Javid will email me more details later.
One these things are done, I will have perform the actual experiments and collect results. Javid has suggested that I use MatLab with the results to assist in finding a model that fits the data, and to perform any graphing. Collecting data is expected to take a very long time, as there will be MANY experiments to perform.