For this semester, I have written a script that calls upon other programs to create a synthetic workload on a Linux-based machine. This script can create CPU, memory and network workload, and is controllable by a command line interface. The script calls upon the following programs to create the workload:
CPU: lookbusy
MEM: lookbusy
upload/download: cURL
I have also created some virtual machines (VM) for Javid to put up on the University of Sydney's servers. These VMs are for me to execute my experiments for my thesis project.
Three of these VMs are simple Ubuntu VMs which have my script and the dependencies installed.
UbuntuVM1 is on one host, UbuntuVM2 is on another. UbuntuVM3 is a iSCSI drive, which allows it to be moved from host to host.
The fourth Ubuntu server (FTPserver) acts as a FTP server for the other three VMs so they can perform the upload/download workload. FTPserver is on yet another host, to prevent its resource usage from affecting the results that will be gathered.
I have also started writing down the experiments I will perform with my VMs. There are many experiments to perform, and this is expected to take a large majority of the time.
I have not yet started collecting data yet. This will begin in the next few days.
At Javid's request, I will also make a 10-minute presentation on what I have done so far to him and a fellow student that is doing a similar project for Tuesday 10th June. I have started making preparations for this.
Revised Proposals
Whereas early in the semester I was more focused on observing the resource utilisation of VMs as we add more VMs to a physical server, I will now be more focused on the live migration aspect of the resource utilisation issue for this thesis project.I will be studying how workloads of the source physical machine, target physical machine, and on the live migrating VM itself will affect the time it takes to live migrate.